Partnership Benefits
Access to new business from thousands of media outlets in hundreds of cities through one point of contact and one contract. Sound like a dream? The LMC can deliver just that.
Increase Revenue
With access to over 90 media companies and 3,000 news outlets, landing new business is a snap.
Low Cost of Sale
LMC negotiates one master contract on behalf of members to save you time and money.
One Point of Contact
We provide a single point of contact across our membership so it’s easy to negotiate, communicate and get things done.
Client Face Time
With webinars, newsletters and conferences, the LMC provides you with lots of ways to connect with our vast membership.
Access to Scale
Whether you’re prospecting for new business or introducing a new product, the LMC can provide you with a scalable way to do it.
Our dedicated resource can help increase member participation and engagement so you maximize the benefits of your LMC partnership.

Partner Testimonial
The LMC partnership has welcomed strategic insight, leadership, and revenue opportunities that enables members to secure end-to-end talent acquisition solutions in this fragmented recruiting market. They continue to stand out in the local media industry and bring only the best to their members.
- Amanda Bergen, Sr. Sales Director of Media Alliances at Monster