Julia Campbell
General Manager, The Branded Content Project
Julia is an innovative branded content strategist who is leading a combined initiative focused on local
media revenue growth for the Local Media Association, Local Media Consortium, and the Facebook
Journalism Project. A former Gray Television executive with extensive branded content experience, Julia
is leading The Branded Content Project, a shared services and revenue resource center that can
effectively build new monetization streams for local broadcasters, print and digital publishers of all
shapes and sizes.
Julia spent nearly a decade at Gray Television, previously as vice president of media systems, where she
created MomsEveryday, an award-winning television, digital, social, and OTT branded content initiative
focused on helping local businesses connect with families across the country while creating profitability
for the TV stations. In addition to extensive branding experience, Julia is familiar with the challenges and
opportunities of local news, having served in director and editor positions at a number of local and
national TV stations, including CNN. Her media career has crossed through some of the smallest of
markets, like Casper, Wyoming, to some of the largest such as Atlanta.
Julia lives in Denver, Colorado with her two daughters and a hamster named Cheese.